Sunday, October 28, 2012

14 weeks

There is finally a real bump (ok maybe only visible to me!) Took this pic at 14w5d

How far Along: 14 weeks
Weight Gain/Loss: -3 total, +1 this week
Symptoms: I feel great!
Sleep: Luna doesn't help- she has been getting up in the middle of the night to go out. Otherwise I get up myself to go!
Clothes:  Bras are starting to become more uncomfortable and I may have to go get remeasured!
Cravings: Nothing more than usual
Movement: Hopefully soon
Exercise: missed yoga this week because of storm Sandy, next week
What I Miss: I don't miss anything, enjoying pregnancy so far
Moment of the Week: Hearing the excitement of my friends as they figured out! I will have a Halloween party post this week!
Looking forward to: my next appointment and yoga
Next Appointment: November 8th
Names: Paul came up, I'm not sold! Nothing else... 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

13 weeks

 I think I may be showing a little. I know my uterus is still very low so its just shifting bowels!

How far Along: 13 weeks!
Weight Gain/Loss: -4 lbs
Symptoms: Stomach muscles are a little tight, lactose intolerance, sleep...
Sleep: I am up nightly to run to the bathroom, most of the time I falls back asleep but sometimes not.
Clothes: Purchased my first few maternity things, were on sale and I had a coupon! Feeling a little tight in my jeans and shirts are a bit revealing... won't be an issue in a week.
Cravings: None this week
Exercise: Yoga tomorrow! Love it
What I Miss: Nothing but milk and cheese!
Moment of the Week: Revealing to a friend far away (who may be moving back!)
Looking forward to: Our Halloween reveal THIS weekend!!
Next Appointment: November 8th
Names: Blake came up, trying to find monosyllabic boys names, girls so far Claire is the winner.

Sunday, October 14, 2012


After we told our parents, B and I had a few bets.

-How long until we received our first baby-related gift
-Who would give such gift
-Who would be the first to check in

... we pretty much guessed his mom for all, and we were pretty much right!

My dad did call on Tuesday to see if I had gotten a hold of my aunt, and to let me know he spoke with the rest of the family to share the news! (he has 4 siblings!)

My MIL mailed a package of books that we received Wednesday. One is a journal that I won't use, since I am posting here and another is a 'blessings' book that smells too religious for me. She did say she already had a bunch of stuff! She also wrote a thank you note to us for having them out to dinner and a 'congratulations' note on how excited they were for the baby. She may be the death of me.... typically its B's father but when it comes to things related to me my MIL bugs me! (she means well but it overbearing!)

I am sure we will come up with a few more things to place bets about (just between the two of us) and I will be sure to update!


We finally got the Halloween shirts and costumes settled.

B has 3 different skeleton costumes! And my skeleton socks came in.

We searched for black shirts for our iron-ons last weekend, no luck for me at Old Navy, but we found a few at Target.

We attempted to iron yesterday. B's went quite smoothly and looks great. My shirt was deformed, the v-neck was off center.

So, I decided to buy another shirt. Tried Kohls this time- they had another V-neck but all the scoop necks were long sleeved. I bought the V-neck there and went to Old Navy. Walked around the store twice, even checked the maternity section. As a last resort I braved into the clearance area. Victory!

Mama's and Papa's

12 weeks

Picture at 12 weeks! No real change yet.

How far Along: 12 weeks
Weight Gain/Loss: -4 (what!?)
Symptoms: back pain is much better, but I am lactose intolerant!!
Sleep: I am waking up after about 6 hours to pee! But sleeping great otherwise!
Clothes: No new clothes yet!
Cravings: None!
Movement: Still too early to feel movement but baby is moving!
Exercise: Yoga tomorrow!
What I Miss: Cheese and yogurt!
Moment of the Week: Hearing baby's Heartbeat!!!
Looking forward to: Halloween reveal in 13 days!
Next Appointment: November 8th
Names: We are still pretty stuck... nothing new 

Second Appointment

My second doctor's appointment was this Thursday.

B decided to come since it was scheduled with the Doctor herself and B wanted to meet her. I also figured it would be nice to have him come to as many as possible- he could help remember my questions.

We got there right before 10:30 and went right in. I am already used to the routine: they take my weight, I pee in a cup. I went back to the room and the nurse took my blood pressure and said the doctor would be in. So we waited, and waited.

Nurse came back in after about 25 minutes and said Doc was running late and wouldn't be much longer.... so more waiting and waiting.

About 45 minutes into my appointment, I realized if the doctor was any later I would be late for work. So I called out for the remainder of the day.

About 15 minutes after that, the doctor finally came in. She looked a bit frazzled: B and I decided a mix between Aunt Jemima and Mrs. Frizzle. But I liked her.

She asked first thing what questions I had. She said my back pains (which have since been a whole world better) are caused by shifting ligaments.

Said all of my blood tests looked good and then we went on to checking on baby.

The doc moved the doppler around a lot before she heard anything- and hen she did- I didn't! Baby is still very low in my pelvis (obvious from the appearance of my belly!) She went lower and finally stopped and we heard it.

Nice and strong!

Next appointment is scheduled for November 8th and B has a dentist appointment so he won't be there.

Monday, October 8, 2012

11 weeks

11 weeks- still no change and I'm ok with that!
How far Along: 11 weeks, 1 day!
Weight Gain/Loss: -2 overall
Symptoms: just the back pain these days (never got to call the doc)
Sleep: I am up around 4:15 every night having to pee!
Cravings: None yet!
Exercise: Back on track this week, going to try wii and the treadmill, prenatal yoga next monday, maybe?
What I Miss: dairy, gave me bad stomach/ bowel issues last few times
Moment of the Week: Sharing the news!!
Looking forward to: this week's appointment, meeting the doctor
Next Appointment: October 11th 

Sharing the news!!!

We spent the entire weekend with family, sharing our big news. Here is how each announcement went!

In-Laws: I really wanted B's grandmother (all 90+ years of her!) to be the first to know. We took her and his parents out to eat. After ordering (and a nervous trip to the bathroom), I showed her the ultra sound picture. Poor thing couldn't see or hear, she said, "What a nice cake!" I told her she was going to be a great-grandmother, before she either heard or the news sunk in, B's mom grabbed the picture! From there it was lots of people talking over one another with excitement! (We did decide to tell them a few days later for a due date since B's dad's birthday is the day before!) B's mom admitted to already buying things for her grandchildren, including pregnancy books.  She was excited to buy more, to which I respectfully shot down.  I hate that babies/ children create SO much consumerism! I'm sure she will give us our first baby-related gift!

My mom/ Brother: My mom's boyfriend was out of town for a week and she wanted to use that as an excuse to meet up with my sister and I. We decided to do lunch, and my mom actually traveled since she wanted to visit a store out here. I picked a brewery that my sister and I enjoyed the food last time we were there. So I waited until she was paying attention to order. "I was going to order 'your light beer' but I will just have a water with lemon- since I am pregnant!" My mom didn't believe me, and wanted to see my belly! My brother arrived a bit later. I put the ultra sound picture in his birthday card. He "aww"ed wen he saw it and seemed pretty excited! My mom then went on to note she was planning on going away in April and this would force her to change her plans! (Well I guess that's up to her!!)

My dad/stepmom: Since my sister was in town, it was easy to arrange time with my dad. We had brunch at his house. They were pretty busy when we got there, cooking and preparing, so I couldn't announce before we ate. Once all of the cleaning was done, we sat in the living room. Ok, we didn't just all come to sit, a few sat, someone else, someone left, a few more sat, one left.... then finally when we were all together, my dad leaves! He came back with a picture he promised me! Once we get it framed it will up in our dining room. Before anyone else could leave- I handed him the onesie all folded up. He held it up and asks if it is a "hint." It took my stepmom a little bit but she screams and hugs me and almost cried! Her reaction was by far the craziest! She then went into all sorts of things I should and shouldn't do (she worked at an OBGYN office) including checking my shoes and pants for tightness! My dad was quiet but happy and congratulated us!

On the way home, we stopped by my step sisters work (she was very busy) to tell her she will be an auntie again! I then called my other step sisters, the one who answered was on her way to meet a new baby and was of course happy!

I also asked my sister to be in the delivery room with us. I have decided she is the only other person I want there. I can't imagine any of the 'mothers' in the room- mine would probably stress me out, and how could I ask any of the others without asking them all, and THAT is just not happening! B and I also talked about how we didn't really plan to tell anyone when I go into labor until the baby is born. This way we don't have anyone breathing down our necks and we will have time to spend on our own with our little one.

Today, I made a few more calls. My mom's sister and mother as well as my dad's sister that I am closest with, and I finally connected with my third stepsister! I wanted to talk to all of these ladies. I don't mind if my dad tells the rest of my other aunts and uncles, although I text them all after he spoke with them.

It feels great! Only 19 days until we tell our friends (unless someone leaks it one Facebook first!)