Sunday, September 30, 2012

10 weeks

I don't see any changes yet...

How far Along: 10 weeks!
Weight Gain/Loss: -2 lb
Symptoms: Bad lower back pain (calling the doc tomorrow!), breasts are feeling less sore, and I am (with the exception of being sick) sleeping better
Sleep: sleeping through the night now- except for the sick nights

Cravings: Still nothing!
Exercise: Getting off the couch this week will be an improvement- throwing tissues away is a start!
What I Miss: quick, easy foods: yogurt (gives me amazing bowel issues), deli meat, etc...
Moment of the Week: KK telling the whole group she is expecting
Looking forward to: Telling our parents this weekend!
Next Appointment: October 11
Names: haven't done much thinking this week. B likes Mark over Colin, I like the reverse!

Friday, September 28, 2012

caught it!

I am, without a doubt, sick.

It has traveled from student to staff and back at work.

Being sick and pregnant sucks. I am usually pretty good with not taking meds any other time, but when I am sick- I don't hold back. S

I was doing pretty will with the sore throat and cough, but now with the congestion and runny nose- all I want is some decongestant!!!!

B went on a wild goose chase to get some Tylenol for me- the grocery stores didn't have any. Now I might ask him for some Sudafed... he's been so good to me!

I am watching some tv and trying to get some rest! Night!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

9 weeks

How far Along: 9 weeks

Weight Gain/Loss: 0 back to starting weight
Symptoms: Much less queasy. Still hungry every few hours but that is more manageable. I have sore ab muscles and a weird pain in my back (going to ask for stretches when I go back to the Doc.)
Sleep: Great! Just wild dreams these days and an occasional early morning wake.

Cravings:I have always been a sweets girl. I thought pregnancy would make it much worse.So far I have really not been interested in the sweets and have been craving (so to speak- not sure that they are serious cravings!) salty, crunchy things. B's toasted and buttered muffin this morning was amazing, crackers and such are wonderful as well!
Exercise: Does walking from a car parked in the last parking spot count?
What I Miss:Never though I would say this- Deli meats.... I never was a huge sandwich person but these days something that quick would be very helpful!
Moment of the Week: Feeling the soreness in my stomach- lets me know everything is going well
Looking forward to: Telling the family, next weekend!!
Next Appointment: October 11

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

8 weeks

Doc changed my due date, so I'm a little further along, but I wasn't able to get this done early enough to be on time! Pic was still taken today too.

How far Along: 8 weeks 3 days
Weight Gain/Loss: +1

Symptoms: Breasts are still a bit sore, but not nearly as bad!
Sleep: Seems to be getting better still lots of dreams. But I am only getting up occasionally now.
Cravings: Not very particular but if someone mentions something I haven't had in a while- it is on my mind! Cheese-its, Ramen noodles, Nutrigrain Bars- don't send me to the grocery store alone!
Exercise: FAIL, but eating is getting better! Change of plans, trying for once a week on the treadmill.
What I Miss: Cheese: Feta!!!
Moment of the Week: Seeing my baby and its heartbeat!
Looking forward to: Telling parents and friends! It is getting so hard not to share my excitement!
Next Appointment: October 11th

Monday, September 17, 2012

Weekend trip to the land of the Goddesses!

I spent this weekend in Rhode Island at Athena's Company Meeting and Golden Circle Awards Ceremony.

There are new products, awards, and recognition!

I recieved my first key to the $10k treasure box! (Wouldn't that be nice with a little one on the way!)

On Stage for my Key
Top Sales in my Team for August!
I had the opportunity to present a Top Leader Award to my Team Leader!

I spent all night (until 4am!) chatting and just hanging out with some great people of the company. We only see each other three times a year!

Rockin out on the Red Carpet!

Presenting to Linda

I attended a 3 hour workshop (that sadly I don't remember much about since I was so tired!)

Friday, September 14, 2012

First Doctor's Appointment

Thursday was my first appointment at my new doctor's office.

I had decided to switch practices since my doctor was at least 45 minutes away. They also were a very big practice with twelve doctors, at a large hospital. For my pregnancy and delivery, I want a more personal experience so I chose a doctor that was recommended and was affiliated with a hospital very close to me!

B and I met with the Nurse Practitioner. (B was not all that involved and played on his phone nearly the entire time.) I was not extremely thrilled with her. We went over some medical history, she did a pelvic exam, and an internal ultrasound. It was so exciting to see the little bean and its heartbeat (B looked up from his phone to see this!) The NP asked if we had any questions (I had some that were very vaguely answered.) She then printed out a picture and we were set to check out.
The woman at checkout was sweet, scheduled our next appointment and asked to see the picture. It wasn't very clear and she didn't seem too thrilled. She quietly asked if I wanted another picture! The ultra sound tech was in and we just had to wait a little to see her. I am incredible impressed with her and hope she is there a lot!

So the tech did a much better ultra sound, three pictures- measured and checked the heartbeat!

There is our little bean! So ready for more pictures! Looking forward to the next visit...

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

7 weeks

7 weeks, again no change (thank goodness!)

How far Along: 7 weeks

Weight Gain/Loss: +1lb (cumulative)
Symptoms: boobs are heavy and sore, sleep is not great, hungry after 2-3 hours, exhaustion!
Sleep: I get up a few times every night and have vivid dreams- even one about magic rings and a dragon!
Exercise: Not good... keep trying
What I Miss: Fall Beer! (I am really not a big drinker, swear!)
Moment of the Week: Hearing from KK that she is, in fact, Pregnant! So excited to be sharing this journey with a friend (or sharing soon!)
Looking forward to: ultrasound and appointment tomorrow. B even admitted he is excited too. He doesn't display too many emotions but I am so glad he is letting me know how excited he is!
Names: When discussing names, one combo was ruled out because it was too 'back of the throat'... a hard K followed by a hard C. We joked that it sounded like L'chaim- neither one of us knowing exactly what it meant. Turns out it is a Hebrew 'cheers' like 'mazel tov' but actually means "to life". How fitting- that will be baby's nickname- L'chaim!
Next Appointment: Tomorrow!

Dear KK

Dearest KK,

I am absolutely ecstatic for you and your hubby on the expectation of your little one! You deserve to be parents and will be wonderful ones!

Please know that I tried to use our suspicion of your pregnancy as a diversion from my own. It was a little selfish, but I hope you will understand. I may also have learned what not to do!

It was EXTREMELY difficult not to blurt out that I, too, was pregnant when you told the two of us today! We have decided to wait and I really don't want to steal your spotlight!

It is going to be so much fun being pregnant with you! Maybe someone else will hurry up and join us!

Much Love and the best of luck, L

Monday, September 10, 2012


We have decided to wait to tell most everyone.

Primarily, in case something happens, secondary, because, we can do what we want!

Even before we knew we were pregnant, we thought telling our friends with an event would be the best way. B loves, LOVES Halloween so we decided that telling our friends with a costume at our own Halloween Party would be amazing!

We got our invitations in this weekend and have mine and Luna's costumes (yup, poor Luna will be sporting a costume too!) We are going to check the physical store for B's costume before ordering it online. All four of us will be skeletons! I am going to order the skeleton-in-utero shirt after at least our first appointment. We bought some decorations this weekend too.

She secretly loved being dressed up...

As for our families, I really hope to tell B's grandmother first. She is the oldest person in the family and I think deserves the honor. B has Friday off in October- so we won't necessarily be past the first trimester when we tell them but we will be close (10 weeks minimum I think).

B's parent's would get a huge kick out of "Best Grandma/Grandpa" Stuff or something similar.
I bought my dad a Grateful Dead onesie. We are going to tell him its an early anniversary gift (his anniversary is May 4th).

But I still have no idea what to do for my mom and grandparents. It might just be a simple refusal of alcohol.. then letting it roll from there! My brother's birthday is in October and it would be a great way to get everyone together but I might have to tell him first before I hijack his birthday!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

6 weeks

6 week picture...

How far Along: 6 weeks

Weight Gain/Loss: +1lb
Symptoms: boobs are heavy and sore, queasy belly when I don't eat
Sleep: I get up a few times every night and have vivid dreams
Exercise: Ah, bad week- only 1 day walking
What I Miss: A drink with friends and family- I have to hide/ lie to them about not drinking!
Looking forward to: and a little bit nervous about my first appointment
Next Appointment: September 13th 

Monday, September 3, 2012

sleep?.... Sleep?.... SLEEP?!?

Where are you?

I am so extremely happy I have today, Labor Day, off.

I was up around 2:30 and could not fall asleep. I tried Sudoku. Went to the bathroom. Got the queasies and grabbed a bite to eat. It just wasn't happening.

B got up at 5 to get ready for work. We hung out for a little before he left.

I think I finally fell asleep on the couch around 6:30. I was up again around 8 to let Luna out. Then to let her back in. I think I finally got up at 10.

If I had to work I would have been a mess. Maybe I should actually try to stay up a little later.

Boy I hope I find some sleep during my pregnancy before this baby arrives!