Thursday, August 23, 2012

Its Positive!

Here we are, the reason I am starting this blog, we are pregnant!

I think I knew almost right away. I had trouble sleeping shortly after ovulating. I had lots of dreams and my boobs started feeling sore and heavy.

I tested Saturday morning with a dollar store test. I thought I saw a very faint line, but convinced myself I was playing mind games.

I decided to test Sunday, but if I did not get a positive I wouldn't test until my period was late! I didn't want to test before work and have to either wake B up or hold the news!

Sunday I woke up around 6:30 and tested again using the dollar store test. I saw a slightly more pronounced line than before- and they do say a line is a line. I grabbed the other test I had- Up and Up brand and lo and behold, there it was the +!

B wanted me to come up with something creative to tell him I was knocked up! It took me a bit to come up with something. He had said that with a baby he will need a new gun to 'protect it' (ok I will I am sure need a few new pairs of shoes!) Knowing that getting the gun would be quite a challenge (I don't have a pistol permit.) Then somehow I came up with the idea of replacing his gold chain. It is frayed and he hasn't worn it for at least a year. So, I went to the mall in search of a new chain.

I woke him up around 7 with the necklace and this.

He was very confused until I told him and showed him the test!

If my calculations are correct we are due May 1, 2013.

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